In the Eastern European time zone:

harmsworth map

Today's weather

Lutzk Lutzk

Rowno Rowno

Nowograd-Volynsk Novograd-

Zhitomir Zhitomir

Live radio
from Zhytomyr:

Radio Lux
Radio Lux

The region of Volhynia -- in German, Wolhynien -- is in the northwest corner of Ukraine, west of Kyiv. It borders Poland to the west and Belarus to the north. Volhynia was the name of an administrative district, called a gubernia, before the Russian Revolution. Major cities include Zhitomir, Rowno and Lutsk.

In the mid-1800s many Germans settled in Volhynia. This site will help you to research their ancestry.

The map above is from an atlas published in London in 1908 by the Harmsworth company.

zhitomir train station

Old train station in Zhitomir, torn down many years ago

Societies dealing with Volhynia:

Society for German Genealogy in East Europe

SGGEE mailing list

Foundation for East European Family History Studies

American Historical Society of Germans from Russia

East European Genealogical Society

Germans from Russia Heritage Society

Mennonite Historical Society of B.C.

Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, NDSU

ODESSA online library

Websites in German:

Begegnung mit Wolhynien (Encounter with Volhynia)

Wolhynien (Volhynia)

Reise nach Wolhynien (Travel in Volhynia -- Youtube video)

Umsiedlermuseum-Wolhynien (Resettlement Museum Volhynia)


Destination Canada
A Genealogical Guide to Immigration Records, by Dave Obee. This 160-page book is the most comprehensive guide ever written about resources for Canadian immigration research. It covers passenger lists and many other sources, including naturalization records and newspapers. This could be the most important book on Canadian genealogy this year. It includes six maps, 60 illustrations, more than 100 Internet links, and a comprehensive bibliography. Available directly from Dave Obee. C$30.00

Web www.volhynia.com

Volhynia.com is a personal project of Dave Obee, Victoria, B.C., Canada. It has been online since January 2006, although some of the material was on Dave's other sites in 1997.

Dave has collected extensive information on the German Baptist colonies in the Neudorf area of Volhynia, in the Ukraine. His personal family tree includes names such as Weiss, Scheffler, Adam, Tiedtke, Reschke, Tiede, Menzel, Hartmann, Schindler, Kaufmann, and Boehnert. Villages include Iwanowitsch, Solodyri, Pulin, Neudorf, Florowka, Skolobow, Rogowka, and Wjasowitz; all are near Zhytomyr.

Dave's Volhynian ancestors went there in the 1860s. Before that, they lived in Albrechtsdorf, Pr. Eylau, in East Prussia (Ostpreussen); Nakel and Aniela in Posen; and Dabie and Drzewce, northwest of Lodz; and the Sadoles area northeast of Warsaw.

Send an to Dave


  • Volhynia geography

  • German villages
    in western Volhynia


  • Volhynia history timeline

  • The German Colonies in Volhynia by Mykhailo Kostiuk
    For sale at SGGEE site

  • Thousands of pages!
    Alex Krakovsky project

  • The list of foreign subjects and their immovable property by counties of the Volyn province, 1902
    From Alex Krakovsky's work in Zhytomyr

  • The list of foreign subjects and their immovable property by counties of the Volyn province, 1902; translated database
    A shared project

  • Expropriation list 1915-1916
    Courtesy AGoFF

  • Full translation of the list
    AGoFF members area

  • Description of the seven lists
    From Wolhynien.net

  • Kyiv Consular Records

  • International Memorial
    Terror Victims

  • Open List
    Terror Victims

  • Transliterating English to Russian in One Step
    By Stephen P. Morse

  • Zhytomyr Repatriation List A-L
    SGGEE members only section

  • Zhytomyr Repatriation List M-Z
    SGGEE members only section

  • Holocaust by Hunger
    Published by the Daily Mail

  • Mennonite Victims of "The Great Terror" by Peter Letkemann
    Published in the Journal of Mennonite Studies

  • A New Examination of "The Great Terror" in Molotschna, by Arnold Neufeldt-Fast
    Published in the Mennonite Quarterly Review

  • A 1933 look
    at conditions in Russia

  • Criminal Code sections
    in the Soviet Union


  • Volhynia research overview

  • Volhynia records timeline

  • Lutheran Records

  • Roman Catholic
    Metryki Wolyn - Lutsk and Lviv

  • Baptist pastors

  • Residents of some villages
    in the Zhitomir area

  • A brief account of a visit
    to Zhitomir, 1995

    Einwandererzentralstelle (EWZ):
    Migration records dealing with ethnic Germans in 1939-1945

  • How to use EWZ records

  • Sample EWZ-50 file (PDF format)
        For Hulda Bienert, born in Solodyri in 1891

  • E/G Kartei EWZ-57 (alphabetic) film numbers

  • EWZ-58 (numeric) film numbers

  • Polish EWZ-58 files online

  • FTDNA Banner

    Copyright © 1997-2024 Dave Obee. All Rights Reserved.