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Zhitomir Evangelische Lutherische Kirche
(Zhitomir Lutheran Church)
Membership list, circa 1933

Extracted from Family History Library microfilm 0492794 by Evert Moes

Notes by Evert Moes

In translating from the written Gothic script I have kept to the original text as close as possible. The only variation is the insertion of the month in English. The original text has numbers for the months (for example January is 1, November is 11), using the European method with the month in the middle. This change will make the reading somewhat easier.

The list appears to be arranged by households. The family relations are not always clear, as some families seem to lack one of the marriage partners. This may indicate that the listed spouse is either a widow or widower, or that the unlisted spouse does not belong to the church, but possibly embraces another religion. The dates are assumed to be birthdates, and as the latest entry is 1933 (No. 114), it may be assumed that this list was made up in 1933. The age of the members of the church when this list was compiled can therefore be calculated from this assumption.

The film did not show the entire surface of the pages, and the notations in the margins are not available. Each name has the notation "ev. l." behind it, with some names having a "K" behind the "ev. l.". I am suggesting that this may indicate the church in which the individual was baptised. The "K" could stand for Katholisch, or Catholic.

As can be seen, the maiden name of married women is listed, although it is not always clear what the married name of these women could be. One assumption is that a widow, looking after children with a different name was married to a husband who has the same surname as the children.

One will also find that some households have children with another surname living there as well. It may be that these children are orphans. It should be borne in mind that this list was made up during the famine in the Ukraine which started arround 1932.

There appear to be households where the grandparents are looking after their grandchildren; single women living together; and other living arrangements not further explainable from the list.

You will notice that some of the male members of the households have a "v." before their name. This could mean Verstorben (deceased), but may also have some other meaning. The married women had an "M." before their name for part of the list, the meaning of which is not clear. It should be noted that the pastor (or whoever made up the list) dispensed with this prefix later in the list.

It should also be noted that the creator of this list took some literary license in the spelling of some of the names here and there.

1. Where figures such as (18)93 are shown, the figures in brackets do not appear on the list.

2) "geb." or "g" means "geboren" or "maiden name".

3) The list creator had the annoying habit of writing "G" and "H" in the same manner. Where there could be a question which is meant, both letters are shown. Where there is practically no question as to the correct letter, this duality is not noted.

Evert Moes
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1  Eduard Besler                            11 Oct. 1906
   M. Emilie             geb. Kringer       15 Jan. 1908
   Wilhelm Podraz                           19 May 1904

2  M. Emilie             geb. Wolf          10 Oct. 1909
   M. Emilie             geb. Slauke        10 Sep. 1865

3  Olga Wolf                                11 Sep. 1890
   (G)Hilma Wolf                            12 Aug. 1928

4  M. Erna               geb. Feniow        5 Feb. 1911

5  Lenta Richter                            23 Oct. 1925
   Almira Richter                           28 Jun. 1927

6  v. Jakob Klan                            12 Aug. 1909
   M. Gerta              geb. Witzka        12 May 1910

7  M. Elsa               geb. Klemke        15 Feb. 1907

8  Adoline Kleinfeld                        1 Jan. 1926
   Erfart Kleinfelt                         11 Jun. 1927

9  v. Adolf Schulz                          17 Aug 1913
   M. Johanna            geb. Gertis        7 Jun. 1882

10 v. Ludwig Pedde                   12 Nov. 1970 (1870?)
   M. Ottilin            geb. Kolke         9 May 1882
   Lilli Pedde                              11 Sep. 1920
   grossin (G)Helena Kolke                  19 Apr. 1858

11 Emilie Kolke                             15 Oct. 1896
   Johnat Klemke                            15 Nov 1927

12 Woldemar Trelenberg                      5 May 1925

13 v. Woldemar Klan                         18 Nov. 1917
   M. Johanna            geb. Kobatsch      10 Sep. 1918

14 Reinhold Merk                            10 Oct. 1922

15 Emilie Tisifer                           10 Oct. 1880

16 v. Rudolf Benz                           6 Mar. 1912
   M. Elsa               geb. Schmidt       19 Mar. 1920

17 v. Samuel Les                            7 Sep. 1898
   M. Gulda              geb. Kunz          12 Mar 1906
   Linta Les                                3 Aug.1926

18 Rienhold Schöps                          15 Oct. 1899
   M. (G)Helena          geb. Fligert       5 Oct. 1910
   Agatin Schöps                            17 Dec. 1927

19 M. Johanna            geb. Patzer        30 May 1900
   Alia Kleinfeld                           20 Apr. 1925

20 Berta                 geb. Milke         21 Oct. 1884
   Reinhold Bohr                            25.Mar. 1920
   Ernst Bohr                               29 Nov. 1922
   Erhart Bohr                              11 Apr. 1925

21 M. Johanna            geb. Fligert       10 Jun. 1901
   Slina Degen                              5 Feb. 1921
   Margareta Degen                          9 Nov. 1925
   Edwin Degen                              30 Apr. 1927

22 v. Friedrich Kost                        16 Dec. 1902
   M. Maria              geb. Tizlar        27 Jun. 1907
   Sofie Kost                               1 Oct. 1924
   Agatie Kost                              22 Dec. 1928

23 v. Gustav Jabs                           8 May 1873
   M. Emilie             geb. Peter         24 Jun. 1869

24 Ottilie Schillman                        31 Jan. 1905
  Adina Schillman                           16 Apr. 1926

25 v. Ewald Kunert                          10 Sep. 1886
   M. Evaline            geb. Klat          16 Feb. 1894
   Rudolf Kunert                            4 Nov. 1922
   Richart Kunert                           5 June 1925
   Reinhart Kunert                          27 Aug. 1928

26 Adina                 geb. Gelert        23 Oct. 1906

27 (G)Hulda Polei                           25 Oct. 1906
   Stefan Polei                             28 Oct. 1924

28 Olga Zweer                               18 Mar. 1914
   Gottfried Zweer                          24 Aug. 1927

29 Olga Müller                              15 May  1906

30 Ottilin Preis                            7 Sep. 1898
   Adam Preis                               20 Mar. 1920

31 Johan Lächelt                            31 Dec. 1899
   Emma                  geb. Preis         20 Jun. 1905
   Gerta Lächelt                            25 Oct. 1905

32 v. Julius Welke                          25 Mar. 1864
   M. Luise              geb. Sleuman       13 Sep. 1880
   Erich Gromodke                           16 Dec. 1929

33 (G)Hilda              geb. Richter       12 Dec. 1913

34 Waldemar Richter                         17 Nov. 1919

35 M. Emma Klemke                           22 Jun. 1895
   (G)Herman Klemke                         5 Apr. 1922
   Elsa Klemke                              6 Apr. 1924
   (G)Hilma Klemke                          5 Apr. 1922
   Rudolf Klemke                            13 Sep. 1925

36 Gustav Titz                              16 Jun. 1916
   Milla                 geb. Degen         24 Aug. 1922

37 v. Julius Titz                           8 Jul. 1893
   M. Auguste   geb. Lange                  16 Oct. 1894
   Friedrich Titz                           9 Apr. 1921
   Erika Titz                               29 Nov. 1925
   Robert Titz                              30 Dec. 1928

38 v. Adam Schischkanoske                   25 Oct. 1893
   M. Ernstine           geb. Bitke         1 June 1897

39 Ottilin               geb. Kleinfeld     11 Jun. 1879
   Wilma(?) Kleinfeld                       24 Apr. 1929

40 M. Holtine(?) Klukas                     5 Feb. 1901
   Reinhold Klukas                          16 Aug.1922
   Elsa Klukas                              14.May 1924
   Martha Klukas                            31 Mar. 1926
   Erna Klukas                              28 Feb. 1928

41 Ferdinand Ruks                           22 Oct. 1900

42 M. Amalie             geb. Jabs          20 Sep. 1879
   Ewalinin Müller                         25 May 1918
   Emma Müller                             18 Aug. 1923

43 v. Johnatan Steinke                      10 Dec. 1901
   M. Ella               geb. (G)Hoppe      17 Jul. 1898
   Paul Steinke                             28 Jun. 1927

44 Lilli Funk                               5 Aug. 1922
   Reinhold Funk                            25 May 1926
   Johanna Funk                             10 Feb. 1928

45 Julius Krol                              12 Feb. 1914
   M. Maria              geb. Witzke        6 Apr. 1918

46 Selma Witzke                             24 July 1924
   v. Friedrich Witzke                      8 May 1867

47 Olga Broschinke                          1 Apr. 1920
   Paul Schiller                            28 Aug. 1925

48 Gerta Müller                             29 Dec. 1920
   Anton Müller                             11 Feb. 1924
   Frieda Müller                            11 Sep. 1924

49 v. Robert Släring                        16 Aug. 1909
   M. Elsa               geb. Kaus          18 Oct. 1912

50 v. Julius Ekert                          10 Oct. 1911
   M. Emma               geb. Litke         9 Feb. 1913

51 v. Alexander Zweer                       11 May 1905
   M. Emilie             geb. Mertin      8 May 196 (1906?)

52 Ewald Benz                               14 Sep. 1904
   M. Emilie             geb. Krause        15 Jun. 1921

53 Otto Benz                                21 May 1886
   M. Lidia              geb. Wilde         2 Sep. 1897
   Erwin Benz                               14 Sep. 1925
   Ella Benz                                2 Oct. 1928

54 v. Gustav Kleinfeld                      28 Mar. 1908
   M. Matilde            geb. Leder         31 Dec. 1913

55 Karoline Weber                           20 Sep. 1912

56 v. Heinrich Wiese                        6 Dec. 1895
   M. Elsa               geb. Hartfelder    19 Mar. 1903
   Arthur Wiese                             15 Sep. 1922
   Lili Wiese                               17 Oct. 1925
   Gilda Wiese                              10 Apr. 1927

57 Lidia Litke                              5 May 1907
   Walter Klingszon                         20 May 1928
   Emma                  geb. Grams         26 Jul. 1883

58 v. Gustav Schmidtke                      5 Jul. 1890
   M. Emma               geb. Besler        10 Nov. 1886
   Berta Schmidtke                          2 Jul. 1926
   Reinhold Schmidtke                       19 Oct. 1929
   Adina Krieger                            19 Mar. 1920

59 Maria                 geb. Litke         16 Sep. 1890
   Reinhold Litke                           17 Apr. 1925
   Meta Litke                               17 Jun. 1928

60 Adoline               geb. (G)Hartwig    2 Jan. 1898

61 Ewald Bresch                             8 Feb. 1922
   Olga Bresch                              20 Mar. 1920
   Pauline Bresch                           2 Feb. 1912
   M. Emilie             geb. (G)Hartman    6 May 1883
   Reinhold Bresch                          22 Mar. 1925

62 Emil Rutsch                              8 Mar. 1913
   M. Frida              geb. Preis         29 Jan. 1917

63 Hulda Drewezki                           12 Apr. 1906
   Arthur Drewezki                          10 Aug. 1926
   Albert Drewezki                          5 Feb. 1928

64 Friedrich Kunert                         6 Aug. 1906
   (G)Hulda              geb.Kringer        12 Aug. 1902

65 Olga Pudel                               25 Jul. 1919
   Adina Pudel                              2 Feb. 1922

66 M. Ottilie            geb. Litke         22 Dec. 1887
   Frieda Rutsch                            21 Dec. 1921

67 Erna Pudel                               9 Apr. 1920

68 Lidia Kunert                             30 Jun. 1919

69 (G)Hulda Ratz                            20 Dec. 1896
   Erna Ratz                                17 Aug. 1925
   Eduard Kuhe (or Kuhn)                    16 Jun. 1903

70 v. Emanuel Kujat                         24 Mar. 1884
   M. Matilde            geb. Bochinske     4 Oct. 1883
   Adina Kujat                              4 Oct. 1924

71 Emma Meier                               10 Mar. 1900

72 Lidia                 geb. Drewezke      18 Jun. 1902

73 Alma                  geb. Banz          8 Apr. 1901
   (G)Hilda Konschakt                       15 Sep. 1924
   Teodor Konschakt                         24 Jul. 1927

74 Auguste               geb. Piel          15 Apr. 1900
   Ernst Müller                             22 Jun. 1924
   (G)Hilda Müller                          4 Jan. 1928

75 M. Christine Zweer                       8 Mar. 1895
   (G)Hilda Mnller                          8 Sep. 1923
   Frieda Mnller                            6 Sep. 1926

76 Berta Lucins (or Lucies)                 11 Sep. 1908
   Pauline Litke                            23 Apr. 1899

77 Alwine (Alwinn?) Bursch                  1 Jan. 1904
   Alin Bursch                              1 Jun. 1928
   (G)Hilda Bursch                          28 Sep. 1930

78 Antonia               geb. Schmidt        6 Jun. 1899
   Ernstine Buchhholz                       20 Aug. 1920
   Irma Buchholz                            22 Aug. 1922

79 Adolf (G)Habke                           20 Mar. 1918
   (G)Herta              geb. Litz          5 Jun. 1919

80 Gustav Tade                              26 Apr. 1892
   M. Melite             geb. Koloff        28 Sep. 1896
   Teodor Tade                              1 Oct. 1924
   Emma Tade                                8 Jul. 1926

81 Wilhelm Meier                            29 Jul. 1884
   Pauline               geb. Simon         31 May 1890

82 Wilhelm Büttner                          13 Mar. 1872
   Wanda    geb. Gromodka                   5 Feb. 1902
   Leonhart Büttner                         28 Mar. 1923
   Waldemar Büttner                         31 Aug. 1925

83 Johan Tursin                             1 May 1909
   Ernstine Tursin                          22 Aug. 1925
   Waldemar Schulakowski                    2 Oct. 1927

84 Auguste Wein                             23 Sep. 1902
   Andreas Wein                             23 Dec. 1925

85 v. Heinrich Belau                        14 Feb. 1884
   M. Emilie             geb. Gabaz         21 Jun. 1885
   Richard Belau                            30 Oct. 1924
   Emma Wolter                              24 Feb. 1918

86 Reinhold Tade                            6 Apr. 1911
   M Lidia               geb. Slass  27 April (no year)

87 M. Ernstine           geb. Litke         23 Nov. 1895
   Eduard Kisser                            11 Sep. 1922
   Ewald Kisser                             21 May 1926
   Jena Kisser                              8 Jan. 1928

88 v. Ludwig Grams                          16 Jun. 1884
   Elsa Grams                               2 Sep. 1912
   Ida Grams                                14 Jun. 1925
   Pauline Grams                            16 May 1927

89 v. Adolf Betke                           No Date
   M. (G)Helene          geb.(G)Hus         15 Nov. 1908
   Reinhold Betke                           22 Sep. 1926
   Emma Betke                               4 Nov. 1928

90 v. Rudolf Remus                          20 Jun. 1895
   m.Emilie              geb. Lik           5 Jun. 1895
   Lidia Remus                              1 Sep. 1925
   Nadina Remus                             18 Aug. 1927

91 (G)Hennrijete Buschizke                  5 Sep. 1908
  M. Amalie Buchhholz                       13 Mar. 1865

92 (G)Helena             geb. Müller        23 Aug 1914

93 Julius Glanz                             23 Mar. 1893
   Ida                   geb. Jabs          8 Mar. 1892

94  Lidia Stelter                           2 Feb. 1897
   (G)Herrman Kunert                        7 May 1923
   Ida                   geb. Stelter       5 Jul. 1925

95 (G)Hilma              geb. Richter       17 Feb. 1914
   Ewald Steinnagel                         14 Sep. 1918

96 Emma                  geb. Böhmert       28 May 1898
   Waldemar Rode                            18 Nov. 1925
   (G)Hilda Rode                            10 Nov. 1927

97 Reinhart Zwenr                           19 Mar. 1922
   Meta Zwenr                               22 Apr. 1923

98 Lidia (G)Hute                            9 Jul. 1896

99 Wilhelmine            g. Mertin          29 Sep. 1875
   Reinhart Mertin                          24 Dec. 1924

100 Robert Kuchanke                         19 Jun. 1905

101 Assaf Slesring                          7 Jun. 1913
   Adelgunde             g. Schemanske      12 Jan. 1915

102 Reinhart Treichal (Treichol)            9 Mar. 1895
   Olga                  geb. Veis          25 Aug. 1902

103 Lidia                geb. Berg          No date
   Eduard Lau                               28 Mar. 1924
   Agatin Lau                               No date

104 Martha Pudel                            16 Feb. 1895
   (G)Herta (G)Horn                         16 Sep. 1920

105 Tatjana Dalman                          16 Oct. 1913

106 Olga Dreschekske                        18 Aug. 1897
   (G)Herta Büttner                         16 Oct. 1925
   (G)Herbert Bünttner                       16 Oct. 1927

107 Olga                 geb. Kalinowski    30 Sep. 1898
   Reinhart Schilke                         7 Jul. 1923
   Ewald Schilke                            30 Aug. 1926

108 Auguste              geb. Schachalske   20 Jan. 1890
   Arnold Lintner                           11 Sep. 1911
   Meta Lintner                             19 Aug. 1919
   Johanna Lintner                          15 Jan. 1926
   Rudolf Lintner                           25 Dec. 1921

109 Frieda Koloff                           13 Sep. 1908
   Erhart Petrich                           27 Nov. 1928

110 Olga                 geb. Kleinfeld     5 Jun. 1895
   (G)Hilda Degen                           13 Apr. 1925
   Helmut Degen                             19 Dec. 1926
   Lili Degen                               2 Oct. 1928
   Johanna Degen                            24 Dec. 1920
   Olinda Degen                             25 Jun. 1922

111 Eduard Benz                             3 Jun. 1888
   Martha                geb. Wilde         27 Sep. 1892
   Otto Benz                                1 Aug. 1917
   Cacilie Benz                             23 Jul. 1922
   Johannes Benz                            9 Dec. 1924
   Daniel Benz                              7 Nov. 1926
   Tobias Benz                              23 Jan. 1920

112 Alwinia              geb. Glüssman      19 Dec. (18)92
   Reinhart Dänger                          14 Oct. 1924

113 Johann Lorenz                           15 Oct. 1872
   Phelliggine           geb. Martin        10 Dec. 1862

114 Berta                geb. Zachoske      14 Jun. 1892
   Eugen Mischenko                          8 Dec. 1921
   Ewald Bogrant                            23 Dec. 1913
   Nikolai Bogrant                          3 Nov. (19)33

115 Melite               geb. Lucius        12 Nov. (18)81
   Arnold (G)Heider                         23 Dec. 1904
   Irma                  geb. Sawazke       26 Jun. 1926

116 Olga                 geb. Fliegert(?)   22 Sep. 1904
   Irma (G)Heider                           26 Jun. 1926
   Linter (G)Heider                         11 Dec. 1923

117 Emilie               geb. Leske         11 Mar. 1889
   Sofie Jung                               15 Jul. 1920
   (G)Hilda Jung                            15 Jun. 1925
   Arthur Jung                              20 Feb. 1927

118 (G)Herbert (G)Heider                    3 Jul. 1907
   Meta                  geb. Seganowske    11 Feb. 1919

119 Arnold Treichel                         7 Nov. 1897
   Matilda               geb. Zachoske      6 Dec. 1897
   Reinmund Treichel                        13 Feb. 1926
   Lili Treichel                            7 Mar. 1928

120 Otto Radmacher                          8 Oct. 1913
   Maria                 geb. Leschuk       23 Sep. 1917

121 Henrijete            geb. Pulman        21 Feb. (18)88
   Meta Krause                              6 Mar. 1916
   Elizabet Krause                          26 Nov. 1918
   Erna Krause                              21 Sep. 1920
   Adoline Krause                           17 Jul. 1923
   Bernhart Krause                          17 Mar. 1925
   Lili Krause                              28 Sep. 1929

122 Jakob Janke                             15 Mar 1877
   Ewa                   geb. Meier         12 Jun. 1878

123 (G)Heinrich Mitz                        18 Sep. 1916
   Paula                 geb. (G)Hibelt     2 Oct. 1916

124 Magdalena            geb. Flingert      12 Nov. (19)12

125 Ludwig Glassman                         7 Oct. 1869
   Juliane               geb. Martin        12 Jun. 1861

126 Adina                geb. Fenior        8 Aug. 1908
   Waldemar Sawazke                         31 Jan 1928

127 Wilhelm Scheganowske                    3 Aug. 1886
   Ottilie               geb. Sawazke       14 Feb 1906
   Friedrich Scheganowske                   7 Jul. 1921
   Reinhart Scheganowske                    2 Dec. 1925
   Richard Scheganowske                     9(?)Apr. 1928
   Neli Rinas                               21 Oct. 1927
   Maria Rinas                              17 Nov. 1928

128 Adolf Glässman                          18 May 1901
   Paula                 g. Schulz          15 Mar. 1905
   Arnold Glässman                          1 Jul. 1928

129 Karoline             geb. Weis          26 Jun (18)83
   Antonie (G)Hibelt                        3 Dec. 1920

130 Rudolf Glanz                            10 Mar. 1900
   Lidia                 geb. Lang          16 May 1893
   Maria Glanz                              26 Jul. 1922
   Benjamin Glanz                           5 Apr. 1930

131 Adina (G)Heider                         28 Oct. 1902

132 Emilie               geb. Küse          15 Oct. 1876
   Agnes                 geb. (G)Heider     23 Oct. 1898
   Greta Süss                               11 Aug. 1925
   Alfred Süss                              11 Dec. 1927
   Reinhold Süss                            9 Jun. 1922

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